Monday, April 11, 2011

the first 48

The BRAY family of 3 grew to 4 on April 8, 2011 at 6:53 PM at the Dr. Everett Chalmer's Hospital in Fredericton, N.B.

The excitement began in the morning of the 8th just before 6 AM. For Erin, it was already a special day as it was her last day of work before her first day of maternity leave. So, what was a special day became a VERY special day when her "water broke"! For dad, it started when he was told by mom that her water broke!

"Is this an April Fool's Day joke?"

Erin responded in a very sincere tone that snapped me out of a grog and onto my feet from Julia's bed where I'd ended up after her nightly wake-up. So, of course, I was in shock for the next 24 hours since #1 we were having our baby today and #2 he wasn't due for another ten days!!!

Erin called her Mom, who scrambled to jump on a flight for Freddy Beach. We would find out later that she would be at the Hospital in time to be part of the birthing team. Thanks Margaret.
While she was on the phone I scrambled for the "hospital bags" and some snacks before Julia would wake. Once Erin was off the phone with her Mom, it was my turn to let my parents know about the news. My Dad was as calm as a cucumber, with the calmness of a OBGYN doctor !!

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