Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's the WEEKEND !!!!!!

Busy week, not-a-dull-moment.
Finally, it's the weekend!!!!! We're off to Saint John to visit some friends and then back to Freddy Beach for "Bumpa Bray's" performance at the Brunswick Street Baptist Church variety show.
Have a great day - with lots of PLAY.........

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Changing Seasons

Julia finally sort of fits the sweater I knit her. The picture above shows her on Easter playing on the deck. She loves to be outside.
Next we have a picture of little Luka wearing the lovely blue sweater that Auntie Patsy knit him. The little mittens were particularly handy because it was a chilly day.
Luka loves to be perched up on your shoulder.
Julia had one of her marathon baths with Meghan. We spiked her wet hair when she came out but I don't think she knew what was so funny.

Today has had some sad moments. We said goodbye to Meghan as she heads back out to her home in Victoria. Julia is going to be lost without her Meghan. Fortunately Maymay and Nanu arrived last night to help cushion the loss. Julia absolutely loved having Meghan around and so did we. Safe travels Meghan.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting To Know You

This little video clip shows Julia 'holding' Luka. The past two weeks haven't been the easiest for Julia. She loves and resents her new little brother. Right now as I type she is crouching down and saying to him "Baby boy love Julia".

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Julia taking her baby for a walk

This little video shows Julia cruising around in her housecoat. She got the housecoat when she was born from Uncle James and Cousin Mathieu and she still loves wearing it. Julia is almost 23 months and it is such an adorable age. We think that we have a great summer in store.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Luka's First Bath!

The little man had his first bath, given by Daddy, in our kitchen on the counter. We expected that he would cry since he usually only ever cries when he gets cold from having his diaper changed. But Luka was trooper! He really didn't cry at all, although he doesn't look too impressed in the photo above. Julia is our bathing beauty. She has been having marathon baths since Meghan has been staying with us. She loves bath time with Meghan - they sing duets together (well, scream actually).
Below we have a picture of Julia and her beloved "ABCD" umbrella (there are letters all over it). She loves it when it rains because she gets to use it.
As I type Meghan and Julia are decorating cupcakes for Mark's class. We are going to bring them in this afternoon to celebrate Luka's birthday. He is 11 days old today. Luka is sleeping away. We're still waiting for him to get fussy, but so far he never cries other than when he's cold. I don't want to jinx it, but the first 11 days with him have been such a pleasure. Yesterday he was weighed at the doctor's office and he was 9 lbs 7 oz. We knew he had already surpassed his birth weight after one week and it looks like he just keeps packing on the ounces. So different than our little pixie Julia who weighs barely over 20 lbs and is almost 23 months old.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Visit with the Schwarz'

Yeaterday evening, we loaded up the wagon and headed over to my sister's house across town. Julia has been asking to play with "Lars and Nino funny-boys" for days. She calls them and talks with them on her play-phone and, yesterday, she told a story about her cousins as she followed along with her finger in a French song lyrics book. It was so cute.
Luka is eating and sleeping well. When he is not doing those two activities, he is usually waking up or going to sleep or getting his diapers changed. He has been a pleasure. Last night, he slept through the Montreal Canadians defeat over the Boston Bruins. I really enjoyed holding him while Erin "put Julia to sleep".

Saturday, April 16, 2011

One-week 20 hours-old

Awwwww ..........

Hello again. Time flies. Lukas is just over a week-old and beyond birth-weight. His expected due-date is two-days away.
Today, he made it to the Boyce Farmer's Market; he slept through most of the experience and he turned his nose up to the falafel.
We did get two beautifully crafted baked goods from Michelle (my co-worker) who sells designer cupcakes at the market - email me for her phone number and other contact info.

Child-love sandwich

bye for now ......

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Luka wakes up for dessert at Isaac's Way

Erin's sister Meghan loves Luka.

At 5:15 PM, Julia was dropped at Brunswick Street Church to meet and play with her "funny" cousins Lars and Noah and her Granma and Bumpa. She has been attending the Wednesday suppers before childrens' scouting night. Julia loves this time with her family, especially the pre-supper play time in the gym with her cousins Noah and Lars followed byplay-time with her Granma in the childrens' playroom with her Granma.

We ate at Isaac's Way with our friend Akshay while Luka silently rested in the corner. It was quiet without Julia who feels comfortable singing her favorite songs and running about.

Julia has been reunited with her old baby-items.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

more photos of Luka and FAM'

Erin and Princess 'ia and Luke Skywalker

"Now close your eyes and focus on your happy place and fall asleep"
No she does not have her brother in her mini-umbrella stroller.

"Bonjour mes amis, this is my day-five; count my fingers 1 -2 -3- 4 -5."

Li'l Luka in rap-pose

Julia getting some grub after digging at some snow for awhile.

Day five with the family has been a lot of FUN !!! : ) Luka has been sleeping a lot and he is generally a very happy li'l guy. We have been been nesting a fair bit at home. I've come down a bit from what I call my birthing-high, even though (as you all know) I didn't birth anything five days ago or ever.

We have been following doctor's orders to give li'l Luka daily sun-tanning sessions in front of our large back window. He was born early so he was a bit jaundiced, not like dipped in mustard or anything - but a teeny bit orange. He does the tanning for vitamin E and D. He does this topless - he's a bit hairy, even on his ears and he has a taste for blood but .... kidding.

Julia is getting more accustomed to her new baby-boy but we do have to watch that she doesn't swipe him when she's in a bit of a jealous state. However, as I type this she is having a melt-down because Erin and her sister Meghan were paying attention to him and, she screamed, "no hold baby-boy!" "baby, no hungry!" and then she squeezed his hand - in a non-affectionate way.

Time for bed for someone and her name starts with "J".

Before she went to her room for storytime with Daddy, she DID give Meghan AND Luka bedtime kisses.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

rock a bye baby

The top photo was taken the day he was born before he was named Lukas. We have been calling him "Luka".

Baby Luka is starting to stir in his rockin' swing. Erin and I were up 'til 3 AM this morning getting him "topped up" with milk which was not too tiring as we were both riding the wave of exhilaration from the excitement of the last three days. Also, Julia slept like an angel until 8 AM with me while baby Luka slept with his mom.

Erin's sister Meghan flew in from Victoria to see the li'l bombastic, play with Julia, see her mom (who was in from Toronto who stepped up to the plate as a member of the "birthing team") and her sister and me. She is here to visit (and to help) for TWO WEEKS!!! : )

Julia has been saying, "NO baby BOY" when he gets too much attention, especially from mommy. Julia is getting accustomed to "Julia's baby brother Luka".

more photos to follow

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lukas Dale McDermott Bray

born April 8, 2011 at 6:53 PM
9 pounds 4 ounces
22 inches long
lookout Julia; be nice to your brother.


Are you ready for this ??????
Lukas Dale McDermott Bray was born on April 8th 2011 at 6:53 PM at Dr. Everett Chalmer's Hospital in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
He is a healthy baby boy. His birthweight was 9 pounds 4 ounces and he is 22 inches long.

This photo was taken in the first hour ex-utero. "It's a Brave New World"

the first 48

The BRAY family of 3 grew to 4 on April 8, 2011 at 6:53 PM at the Dr. Everett Chalmer's Hospital in Fredericton, N.B.

The excitement began in the morning of the 8th just before 6 AM. For Erin, it was already a special day as it was her last day of work before her first day of maternity leave. So, what was a special day became a VERY special day when her "water broke"! For dad, it started when he was told by mom that her water broke!

"Is this an April Fool's Day joke?"

Erin responded in a very sincere tone that snapped me out of a grog and onto my feet from Julia's bed where I'd ended up after her nightly wake-up. So, of course, I was in shock for the next 24 hours since #1 we were having our baby today and #2 he wasn't due for another ten days!!!

Erin called her Mom, who scrambled to jump on a flight for Freddy Beach. We would find out later that she would be at the Hospital in time to be part of the birthing team. Thanks Margaret.
While she was on the phone I scrambled for the "hospital bags" and some snacks before Julia would wake. Once Erin was off the phone with her Mom, it was my turn to let my parents know about the news. My Dad was as calm as a cucumber, with the calmness of a OBGYN doctor !!