Monday, October 24, 2011

Daddy misses his family

These photos were taken on Thanksgiving weekend in O'Dell Park, Fredericton, N.B.
daddy-o misses his family while they are away visiting in Toronto..... 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  We've been experiencing record high temperatures this weekend. It was 29C at the cottage yesterday and unfortunately I really didn't pack properly.  Everyone was overdressed and sweating.  Julia and Luka spent much of the day naked or in just a diaper. I'm sure we'd all have been much more comfortable if we'd done the same. 
Friday morning we got together with Jenna, Keeland and Finn.  Finn didn't make it back to the house for this picture we managed to snap a few of the Campbell/Bray kiddies. 

 Julia colouring at the kitchen table.  She's working on a birthday card for Uncle Aidan. 
 We dug out Julia's old fleece suit for Luka the other night.  This was before the heat wave.  I had a freaky moment of getting lost in time. It felt like I was holding Julia again. 
 Now that Luka sits up on his own he loves to be up all the time.  It's already time to get rid of all of his infant toys.  Babyhood happens fast.  If you blink you'll miss it. 
 We went apple picking at Charlotte's orchard in Gagetown.  We met up with our best buds Andre and Janelle.  Here we have Luka and Andre enjoying a moment in the grass. 
 It was so hot and we were all over dressed! 
 Julia trying out a teeny tiny apple. 
 Monkeys in the trees!
 Reaching so so high!
I realize that there are no pictures of Janelle or I.  However on Andre and Janelle's camera there's a bunch so we'll update those later.  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend too. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Canada Post's Biggest Fan

 Julia has been checking our mailbox every day this week hoping for some mail and today was her lucky day!  She was thrilled to get a letter AND Dora gummies all the way from Toronto. 
Believe it or not the picture below is her trying to smile.  She's sitting on my lap eating the gummies as I type.
 Luka and Mark last night after the three of us went out for a Greek feast.  He's ready to be picked up so I'm signing off. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Autumn is in Action!

 As I type Mark is feeding Luka baby cereal. He's not sure what to make of it yet.  Our poor boy has had a rough couple of weeks.  He had back to back colds mixed with teething.  So eating cereal hasn't been the easiest.  For the first time in days and days the nose slugs seem to be less prevalent. 
 We had the pleasure of having our friends Marguerite, Daniel and Callum visit for a few days.  Julia was so happy to have Callum to play with. 
Callum was cute.  During the dinner preparation rush he said "Julia really wants to watch Dora" so we turned on good ol' Netflix and here are the happy kiddies:
 Luka is still not so crazy about Dora. He's more into playing with measuring bowls.
 We went apple picking!!  The kids tried out the tractor:

 Julia loved trying out the apples too.

 It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and the orchard we went to was on a hill overlooking the Saint John River.  Apparently it's been in the same family since the 1700s!

 Look at how much of the apple Luka ate!   
 Just kidding.  But it probably did provide his sore gums with a little relief.
 Happy family: 
 My two goofballs making silly faces:

 Luka's first shoulder ride:
 So happy in Mark's arms:
 Julia and Callum are 9 months apart in life.  Luka and Callum's new sibling will be less than a year apart too!  I see many years of good ol' playing in store for these kiddies!
 If I could freeze time, this would be one of those moments.  Beautiful friends, good health, a gorgeous autumn evening.  Life is perfect.