Well our little Julia is now 2 years old. Her day started out by making hot chocolate with Daddy. Here she is stirring oatmeal:

Last year Julia was given a "Birthday Girl" t-shirt but it was way too big for her so she didn't ever wear it. To my astonishment she picked out that very t-shirt when getting dressed - for the first time ever! She didn't even see the shirt, so it's not like she read 'happy birthday'. It was just a freaky and timely coincidence. Here's the birthday girl:

We had a lovely morning hanging out with Jaime, Lindsay and their gang of mini-people: Jenna, Keeland and Finn. In this next photo we have Jenna, Julia, Keeland and Luka lounging on the couch.

Jaime, Jenna and Keeland came ready to p-a-r-t-y! They had presents and yummy food and drinks and even a birthday balloon in tow. Julia and Jenna loved the cutest little cake ever (especially the colored sprinkles). Here's a picture of it before it was devoured:

Lindsay and her gorgeous fella brought delicious chocolate chip muffins. Aren't they a sweet duo?! Finn was gearing up for his first airplane ride this weekend.

I realize now that I didn't get a picture of Jaime but I did get (a fuzzy one) of Luka in Jaime's arms. She was giving me a break from his fussy tummy and her mother's touch was doing the trick.

Luka and Keeland lying around: (Luka is 4 months younger than Keeland. Their size difference won't be so noticeable for much longer....)

A few hours later the Bray gang came over to celebrate Julia and Grandpa Dale's birthdays. Marnie gave us a break from Luka's mono-song (hint: it sounds like this- "waaaa")

Julia got a new bathing suit for the summer:

Julia got a fairy dress from the Schwarz's. Is this the beginning of the dress-up years!?

Daddy Mark got the chocolate fondue fountain going. It was delicious! Here he is hanging with our boy:

Julia sitting on Luisa's lap, blowing out her candles:

And now, fast forward to today. Julia and Luka lying on our bed. Julia wanted to copy her little brother:

She also wanted to sit in his bassinette:

Lately if you say "little girl" in any context Julia will correct you and say "no, BIG girl". I'd better get used to this, as it seems that our children grow up faster than we are ready for. I have enjoyed every moment of the past two years and look forward to the next ones. Wiser people than me say that it just keeps getting better.